SA literature can be purchased directly from the Sexaholics Anonymous Central Office. Literature is also available for purchase at local SA meetings.
Our Basic Text
The basic text of our fellowship is titled: Sexaholics Anonymous. It is often referred to as the “White Book,” since the front and back cover are solid white in an attempt to preserve the reader’s privacy. This includes an excellent overview of sexaholism, practical methods of working the 12 steps and much more. For many of us, reading this book Readings gave us a clear insight into both the nature of the disease and the nature of the solution. It became clear that the power of this illness was far too much for us to overcome on our own and we needed a fellowship, a practical approach to recovery, and a Higher Power to help us.

Other SA Materials Include:
Recovery Continues: A collection of writings from the experience of pioneering members of SA, as they pursued sexual sobriety, over the years.
Step Into Action: A Step guide, published by Sexaholics Anonymous, to help members work the 12 Steps of SA.
Discovering The Principles: A collection of writings from pioneering members of SA about their experience of applying the Twelve Traditions in their group, in their lives and in the fellowship at large.
Essay: A quarterly SA publication composed of essays submissions on recovery-related topics from SA members worldwide.
Alcoholics Anonymous Literature is SA conference-approved
The SA program is based on the principles and traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. All AA literature is approved for use in SA meetings. The seminal texts for 12-Step recovery from addiction, ‘Alcoholics Anonymous’, and the subsequent, ‘Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions’, are used frequently in SA meetings.
Note: The Twelve Steps and Traditions are adapted with permission of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. (“AAWS”). Permission to adapt and reprint the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions does not mean that AAWS has approved the contents, of this publication, nor that AAWS agrees with the views expressed herein. AA is a program of recovery from alcoholism only. Use of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions in connection with programs which are patterned after AA, but which address other problems, or in any other non-AA context, does not imply otherwise.
SA adaptation © 1982, 1984, 1989, 2001 SA Literature. Reprinted with permission of SA Literature.