Intergroup meets the second Wednesday of the month at 6:15pm, on zoom.
Intergroup is the assembly of elected, trusted servants which oversees the basic operations of Sexaholics Anonymous in the Metro Vancouver, BC Area, including (but not limited to):
- Ensuring the health of local SA groups and coordinating the efforts thereof
- Implementing outreach to the sexaholic who still suffers
- Organizing local retreats
- Maintaing the website, email address (, phone line (604-290-9643), and PO Box
Intergroup Resources
Blank SA Meeting Format to be read as the meeting format guide.
Blank SA Meeting Minutes for meeting records at local meetings.
Intergroup Constitution
Intergroup Chairperson: Prepares the Intergroup meeting agenda and leads the Intergroup meeting. At least 6 months of sobriety, with at least 6 months of involvement in the SA fellowship. 1-year term.
Intergroup Treasurer: Manages the SA Vancouver Intergroup bank account (including deposits, donations, retreat costs, bursaries, etc.) and exchanges money with the Literature Committee Chair for literature purchases and sales. At least 1 yr of sobriety and must be currently employed (or in planned retirement). 1-year term.
Intergroup Secretary: Prepares the Intergroup meeting minutes and distributes this document to the Intergroup emailing list and to each weekly meeting. At least 90 days of sobriety. 1-year term.
Literature Committee Chair: Maintains the supply of chips and SA-approved literature for sale to groups and group members. Maintains literature/chip stock and pricing list. At least 90 days of sobriety. Must be currently employed (or in planned retirement). 1-year term.
Communications Committee Chair: Oversees telephone answering and email services, coordinates the local SA website development and maintenance, and maintains the area meeting list. At least 6 months of sobriety. Must have previous experience as an SA phone line handler. 1-year term.
Outreach Committee Chair: Oversees the planning and implementation of outreach to the community and to the sexaholic who still suffers. At least 6 months of sobriety. 1-year term.
Group Service Representatives: The Group Service Representative (GSR) and alternate GSR serve as the liaison between Intergroup and each individual group and also have voting privileges at Intergroup. A GSR (or an a-GSR) must have at least 30 days of sobriety and must regularly attend the Group he/she represents in order to have a voting privilege at Intergroup. Group Service Representatives may also hold another service position at the weekly meeting they represent.
SA Vancouver Phone Line Handler: Answers the SA Metro Vancouver Area phone line one day per week. At least 90 days of sobriety.
SA Vancouver Email Handler: Answers the SA Metro Vancouver Area website email, at least weekly. At least 90 days of sobriety.
Zoom Account and Mailing List Manager: Manages the SA Vancouver Zoom account and all Zoom-related communications, including the zoom meeting information e-mailing list. At least 6 months of sobriety, and must have been in regular attendance at meetings in our area for at least 1 year.
For a vote to pass, it must consist of a majority vote from the following assembly: one vote for each meeting as represented by either a Group Service Representative or an alternate Group Service Representative, but not both, and one vote from each Intergroup officer.
Quorum: The quorum is the representative combination of members required in order for official voting to be undertaken at an Intergroup meeting. Quorum consists of four members with voting privileges at Intergroup, wherein at least one such member is an Intergroup Officer. Only Group Service Representatives and Intergroup Officers have voting privileges at Intergroup.
Voting privileges: Each elected Group Service Representative shall be entitled to one vote in Intergroup meetings. A Group Service Representative or Alternate Group Service Representative can represent only one group, and only one representative can vote for any one group, at any meeting. Each elected Intergroup officer shall have one vote. No absentee or proxy voting shall be allowed at any Intergroup meeting. Intergroup officers and Group Service Representatives attending an Intergroup meeting by speaker phone will have voting privileges.
Any two of the Intergroup chairperson, treasurer or secretary will have joint signing authority on the SA Vancouver Intergroup account.
Copyright Approval for SA Metro Vancouver Area Website 15Mar2018