Sex addiction therapists, and other helping professionals treating clients suffering from sexual addiction, are invited to refer clients to our local Sexaholics Anonymous fellowship, right away!
The Health & Helping Professional Pamphlet
Sexaholics Anonymous is a 12-Step program of recovery from sexual addiction, based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous, involving complete abstinence from all sexual “drugs.” Our primary purpose is to carry the message of recovery to the sexaholic who still suffers. In light of this, we want to reach out to sex addiction therapists, and other health and helping professionals with an interest in sexual addiction, to provide information about our fellowship and to invite referrals to our weekly meetings.
If you are interested in learning more about Sexaholics Anonymous, please contact us right away! We would be pleased to give you a brief description of our program of recovery, our definition of sexual sobriety and how our weekly meetings operate. All of this information can also be found on the website. We would also like to offer you certain selections of SA literature, free of charge, for your own information and for distribution to clients, should you see fit.
We invite you to refer clients to our weekly meetings. Our meetings are entirely non-professional and they are not group therapy; what we offer is an anonymous, confidential and supportive environment of mutual-identification where those who desire to stop lusting and become sexually sober can share openly about their recovery without fear of being shamed or judged. From the experience of many members, we believe that these meetings can be a supportive and highly beneficial complement to therapy – and vice versa! Our experience has also shown that peer support is of vital importance for relapse prevention and continued progress in recovery from sexual addiction. Many of our membership experience sustained freedom from compulsive and destructive sexual behaviour.
You are welcome to refer clients to our website for a list of meeting times and locations as well as a description of our definition of sobriety.
If you are a health and helping professional with an interest in sexual addiction and you would like to learn more about any of the aforementioned, or to receive select, free Sexaholics Anonymous literature, please contact our local, Metro Vancouver Area fellowship at:
info @
P.O. Box 289, Suite 800, 15355 24th Ave. Surrey, BC, Canada, V4A 2H9
Our preference, where possible, would be to arrange a brief face-to-face meeting with you, where one or two of our members could meet with you to share their experience of their involvement in SA and to answer any questions you may have about the fellowship.
Thank you, in advance, for your consideration!
Sexaholics Anonymous Metro Vancouver Area Fellowship